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Choose HostOnly for your web hosting.
HostOnly, one of the top ten Web Hosting company, provides an exceptional hosting service on a secure servers for your web needs. We furnish the ease of hosting with professional service for your personal, and professional business websites. HostOnly is your one stop shop for all your hosting requirements. We offer high quality web hosting, web design, email, domain name registration, and web tools necessary to make your site on-line.
Web Hosting.
HostOnly web servers are housed in a secure data centers. We utilize all the top brand server running Unix and the latest Microsoft Server on all our plans. We have a 99.9% uptime guarantees with live 24/7/365 support. Our shared hosting plans, we offer a 45 day money-back guarantee.
Design your site.
At HostOnly we believe on a great website. We can design your site within your budget. And if you are the technically inclined, you can choose from our 4400 template to create you site easily, with our professional tools. We want you to look good and we want you to succeed.
Domain Registration.
HostOnly offers domain name registration with a competitive price. You save money every year for registering your domains with confidence.
Please contact us at support@hostonly.com
Our professional personnel will be very happy to talk to you,